Principal survey questions and responses summary

This article was originally published in The Notebook. In August 2020, The Notebook became Chalkbeat Philadelphia.

Below is a list of the questions from the survey of principals, and a summary of the results. Responses that required explanation have been left off, in the interest of privacy.

Please answer the following questions on a scale from 1-5

How clear are the District’s policies on how to deal with disciplinary infractions?
1 – extremely clear 2
3 – clear 12
4 13
5 – not at all clear 9
How effective has District training been in guiding you in how to implement zero-tolerance policy?
1 – extremely effective 1
3 – effective 4
4 15
5 – not at all effective 14
To what extent do you get guidance from, superiors outside of official training, on how to use discretion in implementing zero tolerance?
1 – lots of guidance 5
2 1
3 – some guidance 13
4 5
5 – no guidance 12
Do you feel you have discretion to use common sense in handling discipline infractions?
1 – lots of discretion 4
2 3
3 – some discretion 15
4 10
5 – no discretion 2
Do you feel supported when a parent complains to the regional office about how you handled an incident?
1 – extremely supported 8
2 1
3 – supported 10
4 9
5 – not at all supported 7
Do you feel pressure not to report incidents that do seem serious enough to report?
1 – extremely pressured 5
2 2
3 – pressured 5
4 6
5 – not at all pressured 17
Do you feel supported when a teacher complains to the union about how you handled an incident?
1 – extremely supported 8
2 2
3 – supported 11
4 7
5 – not at all supported 5
Have you ever called police for an incident that you didn’t think warranted police intervention but felt compelled to do so? i.e. when a student bumped a teacher
never 14
often 6
once 6
rarely 10
Does your school have preventive discipline approaches? Examples of preventive discipline approaches are restorative justice, positive behavior supports, peer mediation.
Please list or describe them.
How well does the District encourage and support those avenues?
1 – extremely well 4
2 3
3 – well 6
4 14
5 – not at all well 7
What region is your school in?
Alternative Schools 1
Comprehensive High School 3
South 9
West 1
Please select the grade level of your school:
Elementary school 8
High school 7
Are you willing to be interviewed further on this subject?